Motorists traveling South Loop 289 frontage roads this week should anticipate various lane and intersection closures as Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) crews make road repairs to rutted areas at the major intersections of University, Indiana and Quaker Avenues and Slide Road. Work is scheduled to take place during the daytime hours, from 6:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Crews will begin work on the westbound south Loop frontage roads at the University intersection and work west to Slide. Once work has been completed on the westbound intersections, crews will then move the operation to the eastbound intersections.

Drivers should anticipate various lane closures, turning restrictions and delays, and are advised to pay attention and slow down as they enter the work area for their safety and the safety of the workers.

Work will take place weather permitting.

A $6.6 million project to resurface the entire stretch of south Loop 289 frontage roads, from I-27 to just west of Slide Road, is planned for this summer.

Various south Loop 289 frontage road/major intersection closures

Tuesday, Feb. 28 – Thursday, March 2

Major intersections from University Avenue to Slide Road on eastbound and westbound south Loop 289 frontage roads

For more information, contact TxDOT Public Information Officer Dianah Ascencio at (806) 748-4472.

(News release from TxDOT, Lubbock District)