On Wednesday, the country remembered the sacrifice seven U.S. astronauts made on the Columbia Space Shuttle. On Friday, the family of one of the astronauts celebrates the positive impact it has had on the Lubbock community 14 years later. 

“With all the turmoil that we have going on today in our society, with our protests, the borders, immigration and you need to have some positive things,” Willie’s Father Barry McCool said. “There have been a lot of positive things that have come out of loss of those seven astronauts all over the world.”

Barry and his wife Audrey want to continue his legacy with a scholarship in his name. 

“Last year we decided to sponsor a scholarship in the history or political science department,” Willie’s Mother Audrey McCool said. “But you need to be studying something about flight history or conflict history.”

With the help of Texas Aviation Heritage Foundation, the McCool’s were able to give out their first scholarship to an international student from Vietnam. 

“It’s really life changing for me,” Scholarship Recipient Carie Nguyen said.

“She feels really connected to Willie because through him and the scholarship she was able to leave Vietnam to get two advanced degrees,” Barry McCool said. “So we’re really proud of that young lady.”

Through this scholarship, Nguyen was able to travel to the United States. Since her enrollment at Texas Tech University, she received her Master’s Degree in history and is currently working on her doctoral degree with a focus on the Vietnam War. 
“They really move just beyond the remembrance of the family lost to carry on the legacy and want to contribute to the community,” Nguyen said.