This time of year, most kids are dreaming about the presents they will find under the Christmas tree, but Charlie Pitner is not your normal 11-year-old kid. 

After hearing a radio ad about a coat drive, Pitner knew he wanted to find a way to help those in need of a warm coat this winter. Thus, Charlie’s Coat Drive was started. He partnered with the First United Methodist Church and raised over 200 coats in his first year and the numbers have grown from there. 

Now in its fifth year of collecting coats for the Bridge of Lubbock, Pitner set a high goal of collecting 1,250 coats. Even though he was a few short of his goal, Pitner said he is still pleased with the turnout. 

“It feels good especially that we got more than last year,” Pitner said. “We were at about 987 and we got about 37 more coats this morning so now we are at 1,024.”

The coats were distributed at the Bridge of Lubbock today during their annual Christmas meal. 

Pitner started collecting coats back in November, but said that today is his favorite day because he gets to see all of the coats delivered to everyone.