Close to 400 students at Wheelock Elementary now have a new jacket to use during the cold months ahead.

“Every child on campus will receive a free coat. It’s a brand new coat,” says Cindy Andrews, Principal of Wheelock Elementary School. 

The brand new coats, which come in a variety of colors, are all thanks to the Lubbock Firefighters Association. 

“This is their coat and they get to take it home. They don’t have to share it…it’s theirs,” says Todd Jordan, President of Lubbock Professional Firefighters.

It’s all part of ‘Operation Warm,’ which is a national non-profit that gives kids winter coats. It’s also the fourth year that the Lubbock Firefighters Association has been doing this in local schools. They previously donated more than 800 jackets between Guadalupe, Jackson, and Wright Elementary Schools.

“We get to do something and it’s right here. It stays right here and our kids, our students in Lubbock, Texas, get to benefit from this,” Jordan says.

It’s just one way the firefighters give back to the local community. They had the teachers measure all 383 students their students ahead of time and then took each student one by one to get their jacket and write their name inside.

“There’s really not a downside to this program. I mean, you leave here feeling better about yourself and better about your organization. The community feels better and the kids definitely have a great time,” Jordan says.

The Lubbock Firefighters Association raised the money for the coats through fundraising and various donations.

“About 89% of our children come from lower socioeconomic homes, so for these parents, this is money that they don’t have to spend out of their pockets for clothing. They’ll be able to buy food with that and they’ll be able to buy other necessities for their families,” Andrews says. “We’re just so grateful that they chose Wheelock and chose to bless our kids. It’s real special.”