The Federal Aviation Administration released a new set of rules under section 107 on Monday that makes it easier for companies to get certified as drone operators. The previous rules required commercial workers to have a pilot license, as well as receive special permission from the federal government.
The new rules provide for a simplified process, starting with a test at a certified FAA facility, followed with a background check. The Hub City Aviation Academy is administering tests in the Lubbock area, and worker Jeremy Barbee said people have been practicing for the test for the past three weeks.
“People are excited about the new rules and regulations, and actually wanting to be involved and use these commercially and make money off these systems in a very safe and efficient way.” said Barbee.
Commercial uses for drones can be for real estate purposes, farming, photography, or even for flood work. Barbee said the majority of people who have tested at the academy have been involved in either media groups or farming. Local marketing firm, Creative Contract, had its workers take the test today.
“We did a couple of practice tests, went back and hit the books hard, it was tough and there was a lot of stuff we didn’t prepare for but it turned out good.” said Bennett.
Although it’s easier for company workers to get certified, there are still a list of rules and regulations to follow. For example, the drone cannot be flown during the day or above 500 feet. The commercial operator must be at least 16 years of age. The FAA has encouraged operators to also download the ‘Before You Fly’ app, which helps to track if you are in a ‘no drone zone’.