Fried rice wasn’t the only thing ChopChop served its customers one day in early August.

“We have tablecloths down. We’re doing paper mache, some stencil art and we’re also doing some painting projects,” ChopChop General Manager Daniel Blankenburg said.

The restaurant hosted an art party for Make-A-Wish kids. According to the non-profit, the art will be auctioned off and the money collected will go toward granting the wishes of other children with life-threatening medical conditions.

“That’s a chance for us to connect with the kids themselves and their family,” Blankenburg said.

In April, ChopChop hosted a “give back” weekend where the restaurant donated a portion of its profits to Make-A-Wish. ChopChop later presented a check for $1,000 to the non-profit. Blankenburg said the opportunity to host an art party was one he quickly jumped on because it was important that he and his employees get the chance to meet some of the children they’ve fundraised for.

“It brings it home to actually see their faces, connect with them, hang out with their families and it’s about building friendships and building a connection with them. They’re in our community, we’re in the community. We don’t want to just be someone who writes a check, we want to impact people’s lives face to face,” he said.

Watch the associated video to see some of the art created by wish kids. 

For more information on the Make-A-Wish Foundation, including volunteer opportunities or to refer a child for a wish, call the Lubbock office at (806) 785-9474.