On August 26, the Family Guidance & Outreach Center of Lubbock will be holding their third annual Clay Classic Skeet Shoot at the South Plains Gun Club. The event is a 100 person skeet shoot competition, a grand prize firearm raffle, food catered by Chuy’s and an awards banquet. They will award a top shooter, a top shooting team and the winner of “The Bankers Cup.” 

Registration begins at 8:30 a.m., the first shot is at 9:00 a.m., and lunch is at noon. It costs $100 for an individual shooter, $500 for a team and $1,000 to sponsor the event.  All of the proceeds from this event will go towards helping the Family Guidance & Outreach Center of Lubbock for a year of education and prevention programs. 

You can find more information on their website at www.familyguidancecenterlubbock.com, or call their office at (806) 747-5577.