The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is scheduled to begin work in July on a $13.1 million project to make roadway improvements to more than 21 miles of US 87 and FM 1313 in Lynn County.

“The project will make needed improvements and repairs to the pavement, but is also expected to enhance the overall safety of these roadways,” said Stuart Withington, P.E, TxDOT Interim Brownfield Area engineer overseeing the project. “Work is scheduled to begin July 5 on US 87, with work getting underway on FM 1313 a few weeks later.”

Motorists traveling on US 87 will see traffic reduced to one-lane at various times throughout the project as contractor FNF Construction, Inc., of Tempe, AZ, mills the existing pavement then repaves and resurfaces the roadway. Night-time lane closures are anticipated during construction. Additionally, drivers can expect ramp closures in the city of Tahoka and should be aware that speed limits in the construction zone on US 87 will be reduced to 65 mph.

A road closure is planned for FM 1313.

“FM 1313 will be closed to traffic while work to rehabilitate the roadway is being done,” Withington said. Local traffic will continue to have access up to the culverts, but not across them. FM 1313 thru-traffic will be detoured around the construction zone via FM 212 for eastbound traffic and FM 399 for westbound traffic.”

Motorists are asked to drive with caution through the work zone, be on the lookout for workers and avoid distractions for their own safety and the safety of the workers.

The project’s completion date is scheduled for late-summer 2016.

For more information, contact TxDOT Public Information Officer Dianah Ascencio at (806) 748-4472.

(News release from TxDOT, Lubbock District)