Premature births linked to air pollution are costing more than $4 billion a year in the United States, according to researchers at NYU Langone Medical Center. They said pollution is triggering toxic chemicals in the blood which contributes to thousands of premature births and causes prolonged hospital stays, long-term medication and lost productivity.
There is new help for the 700 children hospitalized for sports-related concussions every day. Researchers in Florida said a simple test identifying biomarkers in the blood for up to seven days can now help take the guesswork out of a concussion diagnosis.
To combat the sharp rise in the number of military veterans coming home with mild traumatic brain injuries, Philadelphia researchers said a new type of MRI may be more helpful in assessing long-term effects of abnormalities in the brain.
1- Environmental Health Perspectives
2- JAMA Neurology
3- Radiological Society of America