Children who have asthma are more likely to also suffer from anxiety and depression, according to a new study from UC San Francisco. Researchers tracked 65,000 kids with asthma and found those who also had anxiety and depression were almost twice as likely to visit the emergency room

Women who have had C-sections and then attempt a normal delivery with their next child face increased health risks. Oxford researchers said risks include uterine rupture and emergency surgery, but they add the overall risk still remains low.

A new study found American adults are making modest improvements to their diets, but they are still eating too much sugar and saturated fat. Researchers from Tufts and Harvard found low-quality carbs, including refined grains, starchy vegetables and added sugar, account for 42% of a day’s calories. High-quality carbs from whole grains and whole fruits accounted for only 9%.


  1. Pediatrics
  2. PLOS Medicine
  3. JAMA