LUBBOCK, Texas — The Burkhart Center for Autism Research is a unique facility. Not only do they work with children up through adulthood that have autism, but they are located on Texas Tech University’s campus. 

Director Wes Dotson said having a research center on a campus, gives college students a wide scope of experience, when working with autism. 

“You’re not just going to work with three-year-olds or seven-year-olds or ten-year-olds,” Dotson said. “You’ll have an opportunity to see clients across every stage of life and what it means to be impacted by autism.”

Housed within the Center is the Transition Academy. Janice Magness, academy director, said the academy works with high school graduates and teaches them skills in hopes of students attaining a full-time job. 

“They have a big heart, and they don’t use autism as a crutch,” Magness said. “I tell them you can’t do that you’re able bodied, you have a good mind, you have to go forth and do your best.”

Pharoah Clark, a student at the academy, said he was able to get an internship with Pets Plus and has found a job that he is passionate about. 

“Never give up on what you are and be glad for who you are instead of what you’re not,” Clark said.