The following is a news release from the City Plainview Main Street Program:

Mayor Wendell Dunlap recently received recognition on behalf of the City for the Plainview Main Street  – Texas Department of Agriculture Texas Capital Fund Grant. Recently awarded to the City, the grant provides designated Main Street cities with matching funds to expand or enhance public infrastructure and aid in eliminating handicap barriers and deteriorated conditions in the downtown area.

The grant will be used in downtown Plainview for ADA ramps and other amenities that are included on the downtown streetscape plan.

“We are thrilled to receive this grant,” says Melinda Brown, Main Street Manager. “We have applied several times over the years to receive this grant and are excited that it came in time to incorporate with the downtown streetscape plan.”

The national Main Street revitalization effort for historic downtowns was formed more than 35 years ago with a statewide Texas program operating through the Texas Historical Commission. The Texas Main Street Program (TMSP) is one of the oldest and largest in the nation, with 89 fully designated communities. The program was brought to Texas by Anice Read, a former member of the Texas Historical Commission, who also served as first director of the state Main Street effort in 1981.

Plainview has been a Main Street City for 31 years – from 1981-85 and 1992 to today.

For more information about Main Street, contact Melinda Brown at 806.296.1119 or

(News release from the City of Plainview)