On Wednesday, Lubbock saw wind gusts reaching as high as 68 mph. Now that those high winds have passed, the Parks and Recreation Department is left to pick up the pieces.

The horticulture division of the department goes out to remove fallen branches and uprooted trees. 

Xavier Garcia oversees a team and said during the damaging wind, his team went to over a dozen uprooted trees.

  “We don’t need something falling on somebody,” Garcia said. “Injuring somebody it’s pure safety that’s what we’re here for.” 

Garcia said once they arrive at a call, his team assesses the situation, and then decides what equipment they need. 

“We just get one guy to start cutting it down, trimming down the tree, anything that’s hanging on top,” Garcia said. “Then start loading it, chipping it, and hauling it off.”

Jose Salazar works for the department and said he is always well prepared, but said the wind was some of the worse he’s seen in awhile. 

“It was pretty bad,” Salazar said. “It’s been uprooting a lot of trees.”

Salazar said he takes pride in his work, because what he’s doing is keeping Lubbock safe.

“We try to be there for the city of Lubbock,” Salazar said. “This is our job it’s what we do.”