DARIEN, Ga. (WNCN) — A mother dog and her four puppies were found on the side of a Georgia road pulling a crate containing the puppies, officials at an animal services agency said.

Via the McIntosh County Animal Services Facebook page

“We know there is evil in this world and this just further proves that! This poor mama dog watched as someone put her four young puppies into a wire crate and then tied a blue belt around her collar and then tied the belt to this crate and left them down a dirt road!!!,” the McIntosh County Animal Services said in a Facebook post.

Officials say a good Samaritan and his son spotted the mama dog and her puppies struggling to pull the crate down the road and rescued them all, bringing them to the shelter.

“Thank you to the kind souls who brought them into MCAS. Everyone has since been fed, watered (they were very thirsty), vaccinated, dewormed, bathed, and deflead,” the shelter said in a Facebook post.

The dog and her puppies were made available for adoption on Thursday.