LUBBOCK, Texas (PRESS RELEASE) — The following is a press release from the ABC Rodeo:
The ABC Pro Rodeo, in working with Hockley County, has decided to postpone the Rodeo until Thursday, May 28th through Saturday, May 30th. Our commitment and our financial support to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Lubbock led to our decision to postpone rather than cancel. We are taking every precaution to ensure the safety and health of participants, attendees, and the Hockley County community. We will be working on the details of ticket exchanges and will get that information out as soon as possible. Information about all other events and times will be released at a later date. We are excited to continue with the plans for the ABC Pro Rodeo at the Mallet Event Center and Arena and hope that the public and sponsors will support us in this date change. For future updates, please visit our website or the ABC Pro Rodeo Facebook Page.
(This is a press release from the ABC Rodeo.)