Ashley Knox, Senior Marketing Director, with the South Plains Mall joins Terri Tells You for the latest updates on The Cheesecake Factory and when everyone can expect to go try it out!

Ashley announced the Cheesecake Factory was coming to Lubbock back in August and the building has gone up quickly even with the rainfall we have been seeing.  She says, “The General Manager has already moved to Lubbock and is immersing herself in the community.  They are hiring about 250 folks to work at the restaurant which is great for the unemployment rate in Lubbock to keep it low, and the restaurant will bring in more shoppers to the South Plains Mall and it will also provide money to the local economy.”

The restaurant has an open date set for December 4th, so right after the Thanksgiving holiday and just the perfect time to get shopping done. 

Knox tells us, “Cheesecake Factory is really good about getting people in and seated and allow them to enjoy the experience and then the employees are great at getting ready for the next guests so there shouldn’t be too much of a wait.”  Which is great news for anyone looking to try one of their 50 types of cheesecake or something off of their unique menu.

Stay excited Lubbock, the time will fly by.