Migrant mother says border agents endangered her life while giving birth 

Back in February, the Border Patrol sent word that agents had helped a woman deliver a baby while she was in their custody. Now, the public is getting a much different account of the events. According to the American Civil Liberties Union, a woman named Ana, felt “humiliated” when agents ignored her pleas for medical care. Read Salvador Rivera’s report.

Children must stay inside, face-covering mandatory in several South Texas counties 

All border counties in South Texas from Laredo to the Gulf Coast are now requiring residents to cover their faces in public, and many have implemented rules ordering children must stay at home and are not allowed in stores. The counties also have increased social-distancing rules, such as limiting the number of people allowed in a car. Read Sandra Sanchez’s report.

Latino workers ‘disproportionally’ hit by COVID-19 layoffs, business closings, leaders say

Latinos have been hit hard by COVID-19 related layoffs and business closings across the country, yet many are being excluded from stimulus payments and forgivable small-business loans, Hispanic organizations say. According to an April 3 study by the Pew Research Center, 49% of Latinos in the U.S. have either been laid off or taken pay cuts since the coronavirus outbreak, compared to 33% of the general population. Read Julian Resendiz’s report.