NEW YORK (KETK) – On the day when the Trump administration has promised that 80 million Americans would receive their $1200 stimulus check, Chase Bank has had their website and app crash.
According to, a website that tracks outages for major websites and apps, Texas and Florida are seeing major outages for the Chase website.
The coronavirus economic impact continues to be felt across America as more than 16 million people, likely more, have filed for unemployment in the last three weeks. The new jobs report is set to come out Thursday.
Gov. Greg Abbott has hinted that later this week he will release an executive order that allows some small businesses to reopen. He currently has a stay-at-home directive that is active until May 1.
As part of that order, no schools in the state may open before May 4. Abbott’s office has said that a decision on the rest of the school year would also come later this week.
In Tyler, state Representative Matt Schaefer (R) has sent a letter along with other members of the Texas Freedom Caucus urging Abbott to relax his order.
The caucus wrote that it is ultimately up to individual Texans to make smart decisions and protect those who are not able to protect themselves.