The following is a news release from the Lubbock Police Department:

On Saturday, December 2, the Lubbock Police Department will proudly kick off their 10th annual Santa Cops event. This special program pairs Lubbock Police Officers and dispatchers with children identified as needing a helping hand this holiday season.

This year, Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Lubbock has chosen 41 children to take part in the Santa Cops program. Those children, six to 12 years old, will be placed with an officer or dispatcher for a day filled with Christmas shopping and fun.

This is no ordinary shopping trip. The children will be picked up in Lubbock Police vehicles from the South Plains Fair Grounds early Saturday morning, and they will travel in convoys with lights and sirens to each stop.

Thanks to generous donations and sponsorships, an estimated $500 will be spent on each child as they pick out books, toys, gifts, shoes and clothing from various partnering businesses.

In addition to shopping, the children will enjoy a breakfast with Santa, lunch and downtime to play with their new LPD buddies. The day will end with the children gathering for hot cocoa and the reading of a Christmas story. To top it off, each child will be given a special surprise before they head home.

The goal is simple. The Lubbock Police Department hopes to bring smiles this Christmas season to families who may be struggling. Through this program, officers and dispatchers who volunteer their time will leave a lasting impression on these children and help foster positive relationships between LPD and the communities they serve.

(News release from the Lubbock Police Department)