Anniston, Alabama Police have arrested two people on charges of aggravated child abuse, one of which was being sought for stealing a children’s charity box from a Wal Mart in Oxford, according to Sgt. Kyle Price with Anniston Police.

The child’s mother, Tameka Hayes, was arrested along with the child’s uncle Edwin McKissick, who police believe stole a Children’s Miracle Network donation box on Sept. 12.

RELATED: Caught on camera: Man steals charity collection bin from Walmart

Police were called to a Calhoun County hospital on Friday afternoon about suspicious injuries to a five-month-old female child, according to Price. Price told CBS42 News that McKissick and Hayes were charged with aggravated child abuse and put into the Calhoun County Jail.

The child was airlifted to UAB Hospital with injuries that authorities believe are life-threatening. Hayes and McKissick are both being held on separate $1 million bonds.

(Story from

Tameka Hayes, the child’s mother.