Watch the video about to watch the first portion of our coverage of the Texas Strong from the Heart of Lubbock Food Drive and United on 82nd and Frankford.
The food drive will help families affected by the destruction of Hurricane Harvey in South Texas by providing items like food, water, cleaning products and personal hygiene products.
Some of the food products you can donate are hand held snake items like granola bars, pop tarts, cheese and cracker packets, trail mix, beef jerky and dried fruit, shelf stable milk and dried milk, pop-top ready-to-eat items like fruit cups, shelf stable pantry items like peanut butter, energy bars and of course bottled water.
Some of the cleaning and personal hygiene items you can donate include bleach cleaners, non-bleach cleaners, paper towels, toothbrushes, toothpaste, toilet paper, adult and baby diapers and wipes.
The drive will be held until 7 p.m. tonight, September 5th, so make sure to go out and donate to a good cause.