If you want to keep your kids entertained, so you don’t miss any of the action of The Big Game, here are some simple games you can prepare for them ahead of time.

Nicea DeGering, host of Good Things Utah in Salt Lake City, has ideas,

Big Game Jenga:

Jenga is fun all by itself. But, adding words to your blocks is an excellent way to add a little fun to this game. You can play this with any Jenga set but using the giant set is a fun touch to a party.
To prep the game:
Print words that pertain to the big game on each block. Some words that Shyloh used were: Champion, cheerleaders, coin toss, commercial, defense, defensive backs, downs, fans, field goal, football, fumble, soda commercial, beer commercial, the halftime show, passing, penalty, free kick, touchdown, rushing, car commercial, etc.
To play:
When you see something that is on the block, you will move that block to the top of the stack. Try not to be the one who tips it over!

Football Bean Bag Game

Bean bags never get old, kids always love to play them!
To prep, you will need:
2 yards  72-inch green felt
1/4 yard 72-inch yellow felt
5 sheets of white felt
3 sheets of brown felt (for 3 football bean bags)
The yellow strips were cut to be 2 inches wide. Glue or sew the to the green flannel. For the rest of the pieces, Shyloh cut them free hand. She has a template on her blog www.shylohbelnap.com.
To play:
Throw your bean bags on the mat. Whatever number you land on is the total score for your turn. First person to reach 30 wins!