With at least 10 children being removed from their homes each week due to abuse and neglect, more volunteer Advocates are needed to be a voice for the well-being of these most vulnerable youth. CASA volunteer, Tommy White, will walk 50 miles around Charles A. Guy Park at 93rd & Memphis this Friday, October 28th to help raise $50,000 to support volunteer advocacy services for area foster children. A CASA, or Court Appointed Special Advocate is a volunteer that helps foster children navigate the child welfare system and ensure their needs are being met while working to help find safe, permanent homes. By walking 50 miles to help raise funds for advocacy services, Mr. White can aid in the recruitment and training of 33 additional CASA volunteers who could potentially serve 66 additional foster children.

Mr. White, who is a husband, father, grandfather, and Vietnam veteran awarded the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Army Commendation and other medals, has walked over 900 miles this year in preparation for 50 Miles for CASA. “I felt it was a calling. After retiring from the postal service I looked for a way to give back and decided to volunteer for CASA,” said Tommy White, CASA volunteer.

“Tommy shared his idea to do a 50 mile walk in support of CASA with us earlier this year and we have been excitedly watching him train for this event over the past few months. Tommy’s desire to support CASA in this way, with the goal of providing more advocates to children and youth in foster care, is truly admirable and we could not be more grateful,” said Lauren Westerberg, Interim Executive Director for CASA of the South Plains.

Mr. White will begin his walk at 1 a.m. Friday morning and will finish around 6 p.m. Friday evening. Donations to CASA can be made at razoo.com/story/50MilesForCasa. The public is encouraged to come out to Charles A. Guy Park on Friday, October 28th and share their support.

About CASA of the South Plains
CASA of the South Plains empowers community members to serve as volunteer Advocates that speak for the well-being of abused and neglected children in the foster care system. Court appointed special advocates are community members just like you who ensure each foster child’s needs remain a priority in an over-burdened child welfare system while working to find safe, permanent homes for these most vulnerable children.

CASA’s Impact
1. Children with a CASA Advocate spend 5 months less in foster care and are half as likely to re-enter foster care.
2. In 2015, CASA of the South Plains provided advocacy services to 485 foster youth.
3. CASA Advocates donated 8,591 hours in 2015, saving county taxpayers more than $343,640 in county paid attorney fees.

How You Can Help
1. Become a CASA Advocate – more than 700 children are without the assistance of an Advocate in the South Plains.
2. Become a CASA donor – Consider a monthly gift of $5 or more through the Heroes for Hope campaign. Every gift makes a difference!
3. Host a CASA 101 – CASA will come to your business and educate your staff about its mission and goals.

To learn how to become an Advocate, or to make a donation, visit www.casaofthesouthplains.org or call (806) 763-2272.

(News release from CASA of the South Plains, Inc.)