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5th Annual Howl-o-Ween Dog Run & Haunted Hustle 4 Miles Saturday Morning

West Texas Endurance, in partnership with Morris Safe House, will host the 5th Annual Howl-o-Ween Dog Run/Haunted Hustle 4 Miles. There will be 2 distances offered, including a “family friendly” course of 2K9 (1.2 miles) that will take you along the beautiful Canyon Lake 6. A more challenging 4 mile course will have the participants running through the City of Lubbock Cemetery and paying tribute to Lubbock’s most famous son, Buddy Holly. Those interested in running without their dogs are welcome to participate. Dog supplies will be collected and donated to Morris Safe House.

Race information is below:

Saturday – October 8, 2016

8:30 AM (dog costume contest); 9:00 am (2K9 and 4 mile course begins)

Canyon Lake 6

Race day registration is available at the race site from 7:30 am – 8:15 am.

West Texas Endurance is a full service event production company based in the hub of the South Plains – Lubbock, Texas. We offer running events for the family and endurance races such as half marathon, cycling event and more! West Texas Endurance will host the following upcoming events: Carol of Lights Run (December 4, 2016). Our Calendar of Events is available at www.westtexasendurance.com

(News release from West Texas Endurance)