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American Red Cross South Plains Sends Local Responder to Assist With Canadian Wildfire Disaster

Following devastating wildfires that have left more than 80,000 Canadians displaced from their homes, the American Red Cross in Lubbock, Texas is deploying John Cummins, Senior Disaster Program Manager, to provide disaster assistance for families in and around Fort McMurray, Alberta Canada.

Similar to disaster response work in the United States, the Canadian Red Cross is making sure wildfire survivors have daily meals, safe shelter while reuniting families with their loved ones separated during evacuations. Beginning on June 1, residents will be able to return to their homes and the Red Cross will be there at that time too.

“I’m honored any time I can help the American Red Cross,” said Cummins. “This opportunity to cross the border and help our Canadian neighbors means a great deal too, especially at this time of the relief effort. Families have been displaced for weeks, not knowing if their homes are still standing or what they’ll find when they return for that first view. We’ll be by their side every step of the way.”

Cummins will be part of a 15-member American Red Cross response team being sent to Canada to help survivors take the first steps towards their longer-term recovery. He’s expected to remain in Canada for at least three weeks.

For information on the current efforts of the Canadian Red Cross, please visit www.redcross.ca/about-us/newsroom/news-releases. Current situational awareness provided by the local government can be found at www.alberta.ca/emergency.cfm. 

(News release from the American Red Cross South Plains Chapter)