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Annual Spring Plant Sale at the Lubbock Memorial Arboretum on Saturday, April 22

It is Spring in Lubbock and that means it’s time for planting and beautifying your indoor and outdoor spaces. Support Lubbock beautification and conservation by shopping at the Lubbock Memorial Arboretum’s Annual Spring Plant Sale​ on April 22nd​!

The plant sale begins at 9 am and will last until 3 pm on the arboretum grounds at 4111 University Avenue. A variety of plants will be offered for sale and all funds raised go to support arboretum educational programs and care of the beautiful arboretum right here in Lubbock!

Founded in 1964 the Lubbock Memorial Arboretum Foundation, Inc. ​provides educational opportunities for West Texans and visitors to Lubbock on all things related to horticulture and gardening in the South Plains. This non-profit foundation is operated by volunteers who are dedicated to promoting beautification of public and private lands, conservation of natural resources, and working with other organizations with similar goals. Learn more about the arboretum at

If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Liz Wagner at 806.797.4520 or email at lbkarboretum@gmail.com.

(News release from the Lubbock Memorial Arboretum)