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Area Roadways Part of Preventative Maintenance Project

The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) will begin work next week to scrub seal several roadways across the Lubbock District. The work is part of TxDOT’s annual road maintenance program and will make $1.1 million in improvements to preserve the roadways.

“Scrub sealing provides a variety of benefits to the roadway,” said Mike Wittie, P.E., TxDOT Brownfield Area engineer and project manager. “The operation consists of applying a layer of asphalt or emulsion to the roadway, followed by sand or a small aggregate on top to fill in cracks on the road’s surface. The operation is a cost-effective way to prevent water from entering the roadbed and extending the life of the pavement.”

Roadways undergoing scrub seal improvements at various locations are:
US 70/84—Parmer County
FM 1318—Swisher County
US 86—Swisher County
FM 54—Hale County
FM 378—Floyd County
US 70—Floyd County
Loop 193—Lubbock County
BU 84-E—Lubbock County
SH 214—Yoakum County
US 380—Lynn County
Loop 472—Lynn County
SH 207—Garza County
FM 651—Garza County
US 380—Garza County

Project contractor, Intermountain Slurry Seal, Inc., of Watsonville, CA, will begin scrub seal operations on March 1 in the northern counties and move south.

“Drivers can expect day-time lane closures and traffic to be guided through the construction area via pilot car during the operations. Motorists are asked to drive with caution through the work zone for their safety and the safety of the workers,” Wittie said.

Scrub seal operations and restriping of the roadways will take several weeks to complete with all work anticipated to be completed by early-April. Work will take place weather permitting.

(News release from TxDOT)