A Big Country woman went to social media with a picture of a rodent sitting next to a Dairy Queen cup in her vehicle, she claims that the rodent was found in her daughter’s smoothie.

The Facebook post says it happened at the Dairy Queen at Mockingbird and North 10th.

According to Dairy Queen employees, there’s not any way that a rodent could have survived the blending process.

Several have voiced their opinions on social media about how the woman who posted the picture is not the type to make up something as such.

We took a look at inspection papers and were issued a statement by Ed Mcroy of the City of Abilene that says they can not confirm or deny if food has been contaminated before or after it’s been served, but that the most recent and another inspection done in early April did not show any evidence of rodents.

BigCountryHomepage.com did reach out to the woman who posted the pictures, via Facebook, but have not heard back.

She has since posted a Facebook status that says that her statement will not be retracted and that she and her daughter had both seen the rodent and that after the cup sat in the bottom of their van it split and the mouse came out.

Several of this DQ’s customers say they’ve been coming for 30 plus years and couldn’t imagine this happening.

The Mockingbird DQ location posted a Facebook post saying they see the post to have been an intentional effort to defame their name and that appropriate legal steps will be taken to insure a retraction.

The full statement reads:

“Dear DQ Customers: The inference that a rat was discovered in a drink purchased at Dairy Queen is completely erroneous and actionable. The Abilene Dept of Health has inspected the store and found absolutely no evidence of rodents. Further, it would be impossible for any foreign object, rat or otherwise, to survive intact the blending process involved with the drink in question.

Richeson DQ considers this posting to be an intentional effort to defame the good name of this DQ restaurant and DQ / Dairy Queen in general. Appropriate legal steps will be taken to insure a retraction of this Facebook posting.”

(Information from BigCountryHomepage.com)