The City of Lubbock Health Department is joining with the Parenting Cottage and other Lubbock Area United Way agencies, as well as United Supermarkets’ Kids Club, to host “Bringing Up Superstars”. The event is an opportunity for parents of young children (3 & 4) to learn about community resources available to enhance their child’s early childhood development. Information will be available on healthy eating, immunizations, establishing a medical home, and the importance of early learning.

Wednesday May 17, 2017 – 1:00-2:30 PM Optimist Branch-Lubbock Boys & Girls Club-3301 Cornell St.

The Lubbock Area United Way 2016 Community Status Report indicates that approximately 1 in 3 children in Region 17 starting kindergarten were not “school ready”. The infant and toddler years are the time when foundations of school readiness begin. It is an opportunity for parents to support their young child’s optimal development in all areas.

Bringing Up Superstars will feature early childhood information for parents in multiple areas, as well as fun activities for children. Additionally, parents will be able to visit booths from the City of Lubbock Health Department, Boys & Girls Club, Early Learning Centers, Legal Aid, Lubbock Children’s Clinic, Literacy Lubbock, Parenting Cottage and the YWCA. United Supermarkets’ Kids Club will also be present with tips on healthy eating.

Each family will receive a lunch box to pack a healthy snack in and a books for early literacy. Door prizes, including gift cards, will be an added bonus for families attending. There is no cost for families to attend. To be eligible for door prize drawings families must arrive by 1:15 P.M.

(News release from City of Lubbock)