A police chase Wednesday evening in Madera Ranchos, California concluded when the state highway patrol took a unicorn into custody. 

Yes.  A unicorn.

Okay, technically Juliette is not unicorn but actually a miniature pony with a decorative horn. 

She was participating in a photo shoot when she magically disappeared.  Okay, it wasn’t really magic.  It’s just that the white horse blended into the white blossoms of an orchard where she was hiding. 

Juliette is Tatum Boos’ pony.  Or, perhaps Tatum is Juliette’s human – however that might work.  Either way, Tatum, age 5, and Juliette have a fairy-tale relationship.

“I love my pony,” Tatum said.  “She likes apples and carrots.”

Tatum explained, “She got afraid and then she pulled it [the reins] out of the guys hand and then she ‘runned’ away.”

With a little help from the neighbors, a California Highway Patrol helicopter and a few hours of patience Juliette was recovered. There were no injuries and everyone lived happily ever after. 

True story.  The end.

(Information from KSEE TV and yourcentralvalley.com)