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Can the Tortilla Toss Make Texas Tech Great Again? Petition Started on Change.org

As of Thursday at 5:00 p.m., a petition on change.org calling for the legalization of throwing tortillas at Texas Tech football games earned more than 500 supporters. 

It appeared the petition was posted online Wednesday. 

According to the petition, in 1992 during a Texas A&M game in Lubbock, a sportscaster said there was nothing in Lubbock except Tech and tortilla factory.

“With that in mind, students began raining tortillas onto the field during games, and a new tradition was born,” the petition said.

“However, the NCAA has tried to squash this new culture by invoking penalties for such actions and pushing a ban on tortillas at the stadium.” 

The petition alleges, “This is a xenophobic action to prevent the spread of the tortillabro culture.”

In researching this issue on the Internet, EverythingLubbock.com discovered that the prohibition might also be pteromerhanophobic and cibophobic

“We throw them on the field to symbolize feeding the matadors, to power our team to glory,” the petition said. “Our tortillas cannot block out the sun if we cannot throw them.”

And the petition makes the practical point that tortillas are both harmless and far more time is wasted on TV timeouts than cleaning up tortillas on the field.

“Make Texas Tech great again,” the petition concluded.

The petition did not mention the dark side of tortilla throwing.  Some people would apply mustard or ketchup on a tortilla before tossing. 

One Lubbock sportscaster is on record saying a tortilla toss at kickoff might be okay but to simply do it at random times during the game is infantile. 

The name of the petition author was not listed.  The author was identified only as Red Raider. 

Trump made national news a few times because of his friendship with former Tech Coach Mike Leach.  In 2007, Trump introduced the Red Raider offensive and defensive lines for the ESPN telecast of Tech vs OU. 

Trump declared, “Oklahoma, you’re a great team, but today you’re fired.”  And indeed, Tech went on to upset the Sooners.

In 2014, roughly five years after-the-fact, Trump tweeted his displeasure with the firing of Leach saying, “I wonder how officials @TexasTech feel now after treating Coach Mike Leach with so little respect.”

CLICK HERE to see the petition.  

Related Story: Tortilla Tossing Mystery; Do You Know How Tech’s Tradition Started?