The Children’s Advocacy Center of the South Plains’ Big Game Blowout, sponsored by SuddenLink, is scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 7, 2016 at the Science Spectrum/Omni Theater, 2579 South Loop 289.

Become a Donor and gain entry into the private football watching party viewing of the 2016 Big Game.  Watch “THE” game in HD on the Omnimax screen or one of 3 big screens.  A $45 individual donation includes: food, popcorn, soft drinks and snacks.  Adult beverages will be sold. There is a silent auction.  Doors open one hour before kick-off.

You can bring your big game party to this Big Game Blowout for a small donation of $45 per person or the Date Pack $60 for two tickets or $300 donation for a table for 8, and enjoy the game and free food and you don’t have to cook or clean!

Free childcare is included for children between the ages of 3-11 (must be potty-trained), whose caregivers are attending the event. You must reserve a spot for this.

The Children’s Advocacy Center is a non-profit agency dedicated to providing services for child victims of sexual and physical abuse in Lubbock and the surrounding 14 counties of the South Plains.  Established in 1998, the center’s mission is to bring together community resources to speed the healing of child victims of abuse and trauma.  Children and families are provided with a child-friendly environment, highly skilled forensic interviews, family advocacy and free counseling. 

Seating is limited. To make a donation go to the event website at and search for Big Game Blow Out.  

(News release from the Children’s Advocacy Center of the South Plains)