As the holiday season begins to move into even cooler temperatures, there are certain adjustments you’re going to want to make to some of your routines, such as when to turn your sprinkler on, and leave it off.
Anytime temperature drops below 35 degrees, your sprinkler system needs to be turned off. Not only is it a code violation, but it can certainly be a safety hazard if enough water gets onto the streets. That’s why the City of Lubbock is asking businesses and residents to curb their use of sprinklers when it gets freezing out.
“It is a violation of the city ordinance to water your yard when it’s below 35 degrees, so people need to get out and check their sprinkler systems not only for the rain or freeze sensors, but just for the regular operation of it. Make sure they don’t have broken sprinkler heads and that if they’re on a timed system, that they are working properly,” said Stuart Walker, code enforcement director for the City of Lubbock.
Inspectors will typically give you a warning first, but if you’re caught letting water go onto the city streets, Walker says it can cost you a minimum $125 fine for your first offense, a class C misdemeanor.
More than just breaking city ordinance, it’s also just a matter of roadway safety.
“If someone should slip or fall, or have a traffic accident, the water that left your property, if it caused that accident you could be held liable for it,” said Walker. “So, there is a chance you could find yourself in Municipal Court.”
However, even if you do follow all the rules accordingly, that does not mean your lawn has to suffer at the expense of the cooler temps.
“You still want to water once a week to once every two weeks in the winter. It doesn’t have to be as much in the summertime,” advises Tanner Bates, the operations manager for Designscapes. “You still want to keep a level of moisture in the soil so that it doesn’t contract and lock out those nutrients.”
So, you can still use your sprinklers, so long as it’s between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Just be mindful of how cold it is outside, before turning them on. They should be kept completely off if temperatures dip below 35 degrees.
If you see a neighbor or business using their sprinkler system when they’re not supposed to be, you can leave the address with the City and inspectors will go out to either issue a warning or a citation.
You can reach the City at 3-1-1, or leave an address with the water runoff hotline: 806-775-3952.