The Lubbock City Council on Tuesday will consider more than $3 million for the purchase of furniture, fixtures and equipment for the Citizens Tower and utility Customer Services Center.

Pricing includes “product, deliver/installation and freight,” with Office Wise Furniture and Supply from Amarillo, according to a proposal typed up by Marta Alvarez, director of purchasing for the city.

The proposal said the list price would be $8,052,048.11. However, the actual price that the city will be asked to pay is $3,329,879.58.

Some of the $3.2 million cost is shipping, and installation, according to official records.

Use the link below to see the proposal.

The overall project “will replace the current City Hall with a renovated facility in the former Omni Building that will provide enough space to allow the City to locate most departments within one facility.”

According to documents provided for Tuesday’s council meeting, the capital project cost goes into exact detail for what is all included in the budget for Citizen’s Tower.

Budget for Citizen’s Tower
Agenda Item July 23
Officewise Furniture PO No. 100222037$3,329,880
Encumbered/Expended To Date$60,744,921

The estimated cost for remaining appropriation is as follows:

Remaining appropriation$2,255,079
Total appropriation$63,000,000

The total funding details come from the Fiscal Year 2015 ($10.2 million) and 2016 ($52.8 million) tax supported revenue totaling $63,000,000, according to documents provided on the agenda.

(James Clark | contributed to this report)