The City of Lubbock Health Department will hold vaccination clinics for both adults and children at the following locations the week of May 16th:

Health Department       
806 18th      
8:30 a.m. – Noon

Vaccines will be available for ages 2 months through adulthood. Adult vaccine prices vary. The cost for children’s vaccines (age 2 months – 18years) is $15.00 for one dose of vaccine or $20.00 for 2 or more.

Influenza vaccine is available for Adults. It is not too late to get your Flu vaccine. The cost is $20.00 a dose.

All children must meet Texas Department of State Health Services’ guidelines to receive state supplied vaccines.  Parents must bring current copy of children’s Medicaid cards. A current immunization record must be presented at time of services.

The City of Lubbock Health Department, will be partnering with Lubbock Impact and the Texas Tech University Health Science Center medical students to provide immunizations to Adults. Adults must be 19 to 64 years of age and have no insurance.

Lubbock Impact          
2707 34th                   
3:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Anyone with questions may contact the City of Lubbock Health Department Immunization clinic at 775-3090.

(News release from the City of Lubbock)