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Community Engagement Task Force to Host Fourth Community Forum

The City of Lubbock Community Engagement Task Force will host a fourth community forum on Tuesday, November 29th. The meeting will take place at Frenship ISD’s Heritage Middle School Cafeteria, 6110 73rd Street, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Community members are invited to share their comments and concerns about police and community relations. Information gathered from the forum will help guide efforts to promote racial equality, accessibility, and sustainable change to ensure that all its citizens share in the opportunities and success the City provides.

All members of the community are invited and encouraged to attend.

Comments, concerns, or questions may also be shared via the Lubbock Engage Hotline at (806) 775-3620. Users are asked to leave a message which will be delivered to the appropriate person for review and/or a response.

Comments, concerns, and questions may also be emailed to engage@mylubbock.us. Messages emailed to this address will also be delivered to the appropriate person for review and/or a response.

(News release from City of Lubbock)