A Lubbock community group known as “Concerned Citizens” is hoping to get some help from the city with getting a large grassy area trimmed on the East side of town. The group works to get things fixed up all around town, from pot holes to traffic lights.
President, Dwight Pierce said the area that needs attention is a stretch of land overlooking the skyline from Martin Luther King and Parkway Drive all the way over to Estacado High School.
“We want Lubbock to be the best that it can be and to do that we have to stop talking among ourselves and go to the source,” Pierce said.
His daughter, Dwanya Pierce said she went to Dunbar High School, and thinks unfortunately there are parts of East Lubbock that tend to get overlooked.
“I’m like a protector of the underdog kind of thing, I just love the East side, I think it’s beautiful and I don’t think people appreciate it for what it is,” Pierce said.
The group has tried to reach out to the city and codes but they can’t figure out who owns the property. They are hoping to figure out a way to get it cleaned up whether it’s through the city or by volunteers.
“My main concern is it’s becoming a wilderness over here, the one issue with this land is that nothing has been done about it, and it’s been going on for years,” Pierce said.
If you would like to get on board with this effort you can email: dwaynapierce@yahoo.com