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Congressman Neugebauer Discusses March Primary Election

Congressman Randy Neugebauer is not seeking re-election to represent District 19 in the U.S. House of Representatives, meaning someone new will be taking over that seat.

“It’s kind of weird,” he said. “I early voted several weeks ago by mail ballot and I looked that ballot over twice to make sure I hadn’t missed something.”

“I didn’t find my name anywhere on that ballot, that’s the first time in a long time that I wasn’t on the ballot, but I still feel good about the decision I made,” Neugebauer said.

Neugebauer has been representing District 19 since 2003. The race is now down to a runoff between Jodey Arrington and Glen Robertson. 

“We watched with interest as we had nine people, initially, sign up to ask the voters of the 19th District to give them the opportunity to do that, I think that’s a healthy process, and now we’re down to two,” he said.

Neugebauer said he’s familiar with a runoff situation. 

“I think it’s about making sure that your supporters get back out and vote. I mean that’s what the name of the game is, they’ll be some courting of some of the voters from other candidates that didn’t make the runoff but you know I think the most important thing is you get your voters back to the polls,” he said.

More about the runoff election for District 19 can be found here.