It’s the time of the year when most people are in a giving mood.  Many families want to help out other families who may have children in the hospital during the holidays.  We talk with Christine Neugebuer, who is the manager of Integrated Care, at Covenant Children’s and Stacy Neblett, Senior Child Life Specialist, at Covenant Children’s about the things they need most not just during the holidays but all throughout the year.

Christine Neugebuer tells us, “there’s a few things we do during the holidays and the different ways we use toys during the year.  Kids at all ages infants through adolescence cope through doing the things that they do when they aren’t in the hospital.  Through play and activities and providing that developmental stimulation through a lot of the toys.”

Stacy Neblett tell us, “the best toys we can use all year long are for our infants…rattles, mobiles, bouncy seats, light and sound toys, school age kids are very much into the arts and crafts…coloring books, crayons, markers, paints on a daily basis.  As well as Legos, Super Heroes are very popular, Matchbox cars, Play-doh.  We get a lot of Barbies but some dolls or My Little Pony type items would be good.  Board games are very popular for all ages in different ranges of board games.  Travel bathroom bags, shampoo, conditioners, deodorant, tooth brushes, any kind of toiletry things we can hand them. Teens and kids of all ages we are in need of movies. For teens PG-13 and under.”

Christine explained to me that, “during Christmas we offer families the opportunity during Christmas week if they are in the hospital to come and select toys for their child as well as their brothers and sisters to have the burden released of not having to Christmas shop or the time.  They can choose toys in our Christmas Village free of charge and we have volunteers gift wrap.”

Stacy said there are many ways to donate and there are rules that have to be followed.  She says, “we always love physical donations of toys and arts and craft items but since we use these items throughout the year, monetary donations are very much appreciated made out to our Child Life Department.”

If you are interested in donating, please check out their full list of wishes by going to