The Hospice of Lubbock once again has a special tree lit up outside of the Lakeridge Chapel for Hospice of Lubbock’s Light Up A Life campaign.
The campaign is a big fundraiser for Hospice of Lubbock, helping them provide services for people in the Lubbock area, free of charge.
“We take care of people for hospice services, regardless of their ability to pay,” Dr. Jeremy L. Brown said. “Whether you have insurance or not we will still provide those services we receive through light up a life and other fundraisers help us provide that care.”
Dr. Brown is the executive director for Hospice of Lubbock.
Each year, they offer an ornament for sale. This year, you can get that ornament for a $15 donation.
Mayor Dan Pope was there to help start the campaign. He read a special proclamation from the City of Lubbock.
In that proclamation, he mentioned the importance of the lights and ornaments from Hospice of Lubbock in the campaign.
“These decorated lights and ornaments symbolize their lives, the lives of these hospice patients as well as the important and special time they shared with their families and friends,” Mayor Pope said.
“We’re the oldest hospice in this area, we’ve been here 31 years, and like I said, as a nonprofit, we’ve never said ‘no’ to a patient who needs hospice care,” Dr. Brown said. “I think that sets us apart in this community.”
If you want to stop by to get an ornament, head to Hospice of Lubbock at 21st & Louisville. If you’re interested in learning more about Hospice of Lubbock, give them a call at (806) 795-2751.