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Detectives Still Searching For Suspect Who Killed 20 Year Old Roy Reed in Burns Park Murder

The Reed Family is still searching for closure more than a month after their son was killed in the Burns Park shooting on March 9.

LPD Detectives told everythinglubbock.com that nearly 50 people showed up to the fight with the intention to fight.Twenty year old Roy Reed was shot and killed during the altercation.

Mickey Reed said it was an ongoing Facebook feud between two groups, but that Roy wasn’t involved in the fight, he was at the park to look out for his younger cousin. Reed said she is frustrated because no one from the fight has come forward with information leading to the suspect.

“Now they don’t want to talk? Why? They were posting it on Facebook that they want to fight,” Reed said. “If you shot that gun, you took my child, you took my grandkids father from them, you took a brother,”

Following the incident Police received a photo of a potential suspect. The photo is of what appears to be a male, with a bandana over his face holding a gun. No arrests have been made, and detectives are still actively investigating. 

“That was my baby, I don’t want a cold case,” Reed said. “I’m going to get closure for him, he didn’t deserve it,”

If anyone was at Burns Park the night of the shooting or has any information they are encouraged to contact crime line at: #806-741-1000.