Texas Department of Public Safety is holding a state-wide initiative to recruit more female officers and it’s making its way to Lubbock on October 25.

“We’ve always had a strong push to hire more women,” DPS Lieutenant Bryan Witt said. “I think we’re right now at seven percent of our commission officers are females. Of course we would like to see that number get higher. We’re kind of on the national average.”

“It’s grown in the past years and like anything else our agency is growing so with that we need more numbers,” DPS Sergeant John Gonzalez said.
DPS is hosting a “Break the Mold” female recruitment event at the Overton Hotel on October 25 starting at 5 p.m. and lasting until 9 p.m.
“Women highway patrol around the state are coming in to tell about their career with DPS and just kind of touch base with the public and show them that they’re ordinary women also,” Lieutenant Witt said.
“They get to first hand and get it right from them as to how difficult it is and how easy it is,” Sergeant Gonzalez said.
They said there will be a question and answer portion to kick off the event where anyone is able to talk face to face with a current female DPS officer. It will lead into a more detailed discussion about job opportunities, salary, benefits, and hours.
“This event is not just for women, we encourage men to come out also. It’s for men and women,” Lieutenant Witt said.
Anyone interested in applying for the training academy can find the application on their website here.