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Drought Stage 1 Dropped in Lubbock, However Conservation Rules Still Apply

As part of the City of Lubbock’s proactive water conservation efforts, the City adopted a revised Water Use Management Plan ordinance on January 12, 2017.  As a result, the City is no longer in drought stage restrictions.

However, our revised ordinance includes continuing our long-term efforts to restrict the number of days we irrigate each week.  Restriction associated with our new water conservation plan include:

Irrigation Schedules

Other Year-Round Restrictions

Spring & Summer Restrictions – April 1st thru September 30th

Fall & Winter- October 1st thru March 31st

The City of Lubbock commends its customers for the significant amount of water that has been conserved over the past 10 years.  We asks that all residents and businesses continue to be considerate and efficient with their water usage in an effort to conserve water and reduce overall demand so we can preserve our water supplies for many decades to come.  Effective water conservation must be a long-term continuous effort. 

(Press release from City of Lubbock)