The past year has proven to be a quite whirlwind for former LCU volleyball player, Malori Maddox. That name may ring a bell, not only because of her impressive DS skills on the court, but also because of her inspiring story.

At a game in Wichita Falls on November 10, 2015, Malori suffered from a brain bleed, which sent her to the emergency room right into life-saving surgery. On January 10, two months following the brain bleed, she was discharged back home to Lubbock. 

Since then, Malori has been making strides in her recovery, however memories from what exactly happened that day are still trickling in. It’s been a lot to take in, but she says standing firm in her faith has helped the most. 

“God is still working in my heart and calming me and revealing so many things to me that I’m just trying to keep up with,” said Malori. “He is so good.” 

Now that the new school year has started back up, so has the new volleyball season. Although Malori won’t be suiting up, it won’t stop her from cheering for her teammates.

“It’s weird to see them in their uniforms and see them take pictures and I should be doing that, but it’s not God’s will for me right now,” said Malori. “It’s a little bit sad just because I’m not in it anymore, but it’s also the joy that I know they’re getting to experience. It makes me – totally trumps any sad or bitter feelings at all.” 

And while it has been a physically, mentally and emotionally taxing year, she hasn’t had to go through it all completely alone. Guided by her faith, family, friends and now, husband, she has had quite the support system every step of the way. She and Tyler Rogers, a student and basketball player for LCU, married in July. 

“It’s definitely been very humbling to watch her because she’s so incredible and not once has she made it about her. It’s always been about God,” said Tyler. “She’s my hero for sure.” 

The two began another semester at LCU on Monday, August 22. Maddox-Rogers is currently working toward a degree in pre-physical therapy.