Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Esmaeil Porsa, M.D., Bill Stoudt, and Kelly Rowe to the Commission on Jail Standards for terms set to expire January 31, 2017, January 31, 2019, and January 31, 2021, respectively. Additionally, the governor reappointed Dennis Wilson for a term set to expire January 31, 2021. The governor named Bill Stoudt presiding office of the commission. The commission establishes standards for the care and treatment of county prisoners, construction, maintenance and operation of county jails.

Esmaeil Porsa, M.D., MPH of Parker, TX is Executive Vice President, Chief Strategy and Integration Officer and Medical Director for Jail Health at Parkland Health & Hospital System in Dallas. Additionally, he serves as a volunteer clinical assistant professor of family medicine at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and as an associate assistant clinical professor at Texas Woman’s University. He is a member and former trustee of the National Commission on Correctional Health Care and member of the Society of General Internal Medicine, Academy of Correctional Medicine. He is a volunteer physician for the Human Rights Initiative. Dr. Porsa received a Bachelor of Arts in biology from Our Lady of the Lake University, Doctor of Medicine from The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio and a Master of Public Health from The University of Texas Health Center at Houston.

Bill Stoudt of Longview has served as the Gregg County Judge since 2003. He is a member of the Texas Association of Counties, Gregg County Bail Bond Board and the Longview Rotary Club and founder of Boys & Girls Club of East Texas and the Centurion Club. He is chairman of the 1-20 East Texas Corridor Advisory Committee, East Texas Council of Governments and the Gregg County Juvenile Board, and he is a community advisor for the Junior League of Longview. Additionally, he is a former director and former chairman of the Longview Economic Development Corporation, Gregg County Appraisal District, City of Longview Higher Education Council, Cherokee Water Company and Regions Bank. Stoudt received a Bachelor of Business Administration from Georgia State University.

Kelly Rowe of Lubbock is the Lubbock County Sheriff and has over 20 years of law enforcement service. He is a member of the American Jail Association, Sheriffs’ Association of Texas, National Sheriffs’ Association, Texas Corrections Association and the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce. Additionally, he is a member and former president of the Texas Jail Association, board member of the Lubbock Emergency Communications District and a former member of the 2006 Commission on Jail Standards Committee to Study Jail Staffing Ratios. Currently he serves as Chairman of the Jail Advisory Committee, and was recently elected as Sergeant at Arms for The Sheriffs’ Association of Texas.

Dennis Wilson of Groesbeck is the Limestone County Sheriff and has over 40 years of law enforcement service. He is a life member of the Texas Jail Association and a life member and President of the Sheriffs’ Association of Texas. He is a member of the American Jail Association, National Sheriffs’ Association and the Texas District & County Attorneys Association. Additionally, he is a member and past president of the Groesbeck Lions Club, member and past master of the Groesbeck Masonic Lodge #354 and a board member of Centex Citizens Credit Union.

(News release from the Office of Texas Governor Greg Abbott)