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Governor Abbott Declares May 23-27 as ‘Flood Awareness Week’ in Texas

“Flooding and flash flooding have threatened Texans’ safety, property and occupations throughout our history and can occur any time of the year. In just the past two years, our state has seen flood events of extraordinary levels. As we approach the first anniversary of the tragic flooding of Memorial Day weekend in 2015, and after last month’s storms, it is imperative that Texans unite and prepare for potentially sudden and violent acts of Mother Nature. Flash flooding is the No. 1 cause of weather-related damage, and sadly, Texas often leads the nation in flood-related deaths, many of which are preventable.

While dangerous floods and flash floods are possible throughout the year, they often have a higher frequency during spring and summer thunderstorms, tropical storms and hurricanes. Intense rainfall or slow-moving storms that track over the same areas can cause a rapid rise of water, and flash floods can develop within minutes.

It is crucial that Texans understand and respect the power of water. Planning and preparing are the keys to reducing loss of life and property. Texans should be familiar with the implications of flood watches and warnings, assemble a “preparedness kit” of supplies, develop a communication strategy for reaching friends and family members in case of emergency and designate a meeting place in case of evacuation.

At this time, I encourage all Texans to be informed and prepared for floods and flash floods and to be mindful of signs and barriers warning of flood dangers. Always “Tum Around, Don’t Drown” -you could save your life or the life of a loved one.

Therefore, I, Greg Abbott, Governor of Texas, do hereby proclaim May 23-27, 2016, to be Flood Awareness Week in Texas, and urge the appropriate recognition whereof. In official recognition whereof, I hereby affix my signature this the 6th day of May, 2016.”

(Proclamation from the Office of Texas Governor Greg Abbott)