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Tech student shares her self quarantine experience after returning from Spain

LUBBOCK, Texas — Texas Tech University announced that they would be bringing all 105 students that are studying abroad, back to the United States.

Ryleigh Carson, is a Junior at Texas Tech, and had been in Seville, Spain since January.

Carson said when the Coronavirus began spreading in Italy, a doctor came and spoke to her study abroad program and they given masks.

“We were kinda concerned about it,” Carson said. “And then it all kind of happened all at once.”

Carson said she received an email from Texas Tech saying that her program was halted, and she would have to return home. Upon arrival at the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, Carson said they were let off the plane in groups of 15 and had to disclose their travel plans to the Centers for Disease Control.

“I’ve just never been so hyper-aware of how many things I had been touching,” Carson said. “Things my luggage was touching, where I was sitting, who I was sitting next to.”

Carson said now her classes will be moved online following Spring Break, and she one day hopes to return to Spain.

“Coming back from Spain to Texas,” Carson said. “I feel like I fell back a week where everyone is saying we’re fine, there’s only a few cases. I really feel like the perspective I have now is the perspective more people will have ten days from now. We felt like it was fine to travel, and then we saw it snowball downhill.”