New research found people born between 1945 and 1954 had the lowest incidence of stroke within the past 20 years.  The rate more than doubled among those born between 1965 and 1975. Researchers at Rutgers University blamed the increase on a rise in obesity and diabetes and people not following prescribed treatment to control blood pressure.
American children are eating better, but not well enough. That’s according to a new study that looked at the eating habits of more than 38,000 kids between 1999 and 2012.  Researchers at Brown University said children are eating more healthy foods, but still aren’t getting enough grains or fruit and they are consuming too much salt.
A study of more than 500 people who had laser vision correction surgery found a substantial number of patients developed new vision problems after the procedure. Researchers found more than 40 percent of LASIK patients experienced new symptoms, such as double images, glare, halos or starbursts. Still, nearly everyone reported being happy with the results.
1 – Rutgers University
2 – Brown University
3 – The JAMA Network Journals