A new study has shown that popular heartburn drugs known as proton pump inhibitors can damage blood vessel cells. Research published in an American Heart Association journal found long-term exposure to the over-the-counter medication can cause blood vessel cells in the lab to age more quickly. Recent studies have linked long-term use of the medications to heart disease and dementia.

A new national survey has found that many adults have asthma and do not know it. Research from National Jewish Health found most people are aware of common symptoms, including wheezing and shortness of breath, but not other signs, such as trouble sleeping, chest pain and persistent cough. One in every 200 adults are newly-diagnosed with asthma every year.

Researchers at UCLA said yoga and meditation may help reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. In the study, participants who practiced mindful exercise for three months were better able to navigate while walking or driving, had fewer symptoms of depression and anxiety and could better manage stress.


1- Circulation Research

2- National Jewish Health

3- University of California – Los Angeles