A new poll has shown families where someone is pregnant or considering getting pregnant in the next year do not know some key facts about the Zika virus. Almost a quarter of those surveyed do not know the connection between the virus and a birth defect. About 20% incorrectly believe there is a vaccine to protect against the virus and 40% of those polled believe it could harm future pregnancies– a belief that has been disputed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Research has shown that serving free breakfast in New York City schools helps more children eat the meal. New York researchers say serving the free meals did not raise obesity rates but the meals also did not help improve attendance or academic performance.

Smoking changes the bacterial balance in the mouth and researchers said that could lead to diseases in the mouth and gut. They also found that the bacterial balance bounces back after people quit smoking.


1- Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

2- Journal of Policy Analysis and Management

3- ISME Journal